Why It’s So Important to Connect with Your People

Connecting with your staff members also makes it easier for the team to consolidate their efforts into working on a shared goal. A strong connection with you will empower your staff members to share their ideas about your projects and goals and how you can pool together your efforts to reach milestones as a team.

Humans are social animals, and we have an inherent need to connect with others. That said, the desire to connect with others may also be partially responsible for many of the advances that we have made as a species thus far. It’s not too far-fetched to think that the chance to interact with others partly encouraged our ancestors to hunt and gather supplies together. Of course, this is aside from the fact that having more people around made it much easier to get a positive outcome from these activities.

Clearly, connecting with others benefits more than just the individual. Organisations like neighbourhoods, schools, and companies stand to gain much from fostering an environment where individuals can form strong personal and professional networks.

If you’re a company owner, it’s worth looking into how sharing a common ground with your team members can impact the culture of your organisation and how this can be utilised to help you reach the company’s collective goals. Here are some of the advantages that the business stands to gain once you break the barrier and successfully connect with the people you work with:


Your Organisation Will Be Able to Cultivate Effective Leaders and Followers

There are countless books and articles that are focused on the topic of leadership, but the truth of the matter is that leadership is very contextual. It’s entirely possible for your team to reject tried-and-tested leadership styles, for instance, while an avant-garde leadership approach can get the team to work like a single cohesive unit.

The level of connection that you share with your team members can guide you in choosing the right leadership style or approach. Having a deep understanding of what drives each team member will help you cultivate a work environment that’s amenable to everyone, for instance.

At the same time, knowing what makes each member tick can help you successfully navigate your individual interactions. Your strong connection with each member and the team as a whole will enable you to exercise your role in such a way that your staff will have an easy time following your directions and the examples that you are setting for them.

In short, the connection you share is instrumental in turning your staff into good followers and showcasing your skills as an effective leader.


Your Team Members Will Be More Willing to Work Towards Achieving Shared Goals

Connecting with your staff members also makes it easier for the team to consolidate their efforts into working on a shared goal. A strong connection with you will empower your staff members to share their ideas about your projects and goals and how you can pool together your efforts to reach milestones as a team.

This is because team members who feel valued and respected by their leaders will not feel hesitant to share their trials and tribulations as they work on their specific tasks. This, in turn, will enable you to understand exactly where your team is in the process of accomplishing your goals and what adjustments you can make to meet your targets.

In case you need to pair unacquainted team members to work on a particular project together, they can use their connection with you to find a common ground. This will help them set a foundation for their professional relationship and enable them to work together from the get-go.


Your Staff Members Will Have an Easier Time Perpetuating Your Company’s Culture

Being the leader, you signify and uphold a set of standards that everyone on your team is expected to follow. If your team has a strong connection with you and they understand the level of dedication that you have towards staying true to the company’s values, then they’ll make an effort to embody these values themselves.

If you value work-life balance and show it by respecting your employees’ personal time and approving their leaves, for instance, then you can expect them to do the same with their colleagues and subordinates.

Of course, there’s no assurance that everyone on your team will follow the example that you are setting. Still, you’ll have no trouble walking the talk and telling people you expect them to do the same while they’re on the clock.

In a highly globalised world, people have the option to conveniently meet with their community members in person or using an online platform. Your company must fully utilise these channels to strengthen the professional relationships between the different members of your organisation. It’s only after this point that you can expect to enjoy the benefits of having a strong connection with your team.

Are you keen on connecting with your team members and cultivating your company culture? Get in touch with Ross Judd and Team Focus PLUS today so we can help you design and implement a program that’s customised to help you achieve your goals. Send us a message using our Contact Us page today.

If you want to know more, call us on 1300 551 274 or send an email at team@teamfocusplus.com. We look forward to hearing from you.


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